Page history
last edited
by Ann Abbott 6 years, 8 months ago
- "Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Spanish as a Professional Language." Panelist, Second Language Research Forum.
- "Service Learning Research: Achievements, Opportunities and Challenges." ACTFL. Panelist and chair.
- "Leadership Tips for Bilingual Workplaces: Lessons from Latino/a Leaders." ACTFL. Co-presenter.
- "University Community Engagement with a Purpose: World Languages and the Professions." Invited Speaker, University of Memphis.
"Service Learning and LAS." UIUC LAS Teaching Academy Workshop.
“Tools for Teaching 'Foreign' Languages in a Time of Nativism.” Let's Talk 2017: Relationships, Research, and Results. Notre Dame. Keynote speaker.
“Bridging Classrooms and Careers: Chicago Professionals' Insights into Languages, Cultures and Success.” External, Full-day Workshop. AATSP. Co-presenter with Holly Nibert.
"Engaged Humanities and the Future of Spanish Programs." Plenary panel: "Happy Birthday, Hispania (1917-2017)!" AATSP.
"Experiential Activities for the Community Service Learning Classroom." Duke University.
"Less Specific Purposes for LSP: What Students Need in College." Keynote speaker at Third International Symposium on Languages for Specific Purposes. Phoenix, AZ.
"Alternative Models in Foreign Language Pedagogy beyond the Hybrid/Blended Classroom." Invited panelist to ADFL-sponsored roundtable session. MLA, Austin, TX.
ACTFL. San Diego, CA.
"Innovating Language Programs for a Changed World." Panelist with Gillian Lord Ward, Alberto Moro, Amy Rossomondo.
"Teaching 21st Century Career Skills in Basic Language Courses." Co-presenter with Holly Nibert.
"Post-Millennials and the Language Advantage." Invited to speak to a class of ELL students at Urbana High School.
- "Comity and Compliance, or Incivility and Inquiry: The Strange Situation of Steven Salaita." International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Co-presenter with Patrick Dilley (SIU-C).
- "Foreign Language Learners' Perspectives of Spanish Community Service Learning." International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Co-presenter with Rejane Diaz (UIUC).
"Situating Learning within Language Communities: The Potential of Spanish Community Service Learning." University of Miami.
St. Olaf University.
"Can-Do Statements for Spanish Community Service Learning." The Ohio State University.
- "LSP in Basic Language Curricula: the Perspective of Two Textbook Authors." Preparing Students for the Global Workplace: An Online Professional Development Series. Sponsored by U Florida. Co-presenter with Holly Nibert (OSU).
"The Potential of Community Service Learning." University of Nevada, Reno.
- "Infusing Immigration Dynamics in our Global Classrooms." ACTFL, San Antonio. Co-presenter with Katie Fowler Córdova (U of Miami).
- “’Don’t Just Teach! Engage Students in Communities’: Engaging Students in Civic Action through Service-Learning in Culturally Diverse Communities.” University of South Florida. Invited Keynote Speaker.
“'Students, Turn on Your Cell Phones and Open Facebook’: Using New Media and Technology to Enhance Service-Learning.” An Engaged Conversation with Ann Abbott. University of South Florida during their campus-wide Service-Learning Day. Invited Speaker.
- "Student Career Concerns and Aspirations: Integrating Languages for Specific Purposes into Basic Language Programs." Pearson Chicago Symposium. Co-presenter with Holly Nibert (OSU).
- "Social Entrepreneurs: Lessons that Engage and Inspire Language Students." Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA), Miami. Keynote Speaker.
"Teaching Social Media Marketing in the Language Classroom." Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA), Miami.
- "Social Entrepreneurship and Service Learning: Business Concepts within Latino Contexts." Fall 2014 Discovery Series at Danville prison through the Education Justice Project (EJP)
- "Transforming Language Students into Standout Candidates in Competitive Job Markets." AATSP. Panama. Co-presenter with Darcy Lear (U of Chicago).
- "Building Bridges to the Future: Innovation, Technology, Advocacy" AATSP, San Antonio TX. Opening Session, Invited Plenary Panelist
- “Teaching Social Entrepreneurship: Business Concepts within Cultural Contexts" AATSP, San Antonio TX. Follow-up Plenary Speaker Individual Panel
- "Linguistically and Culturally Appropriate Social Media Marketing: 'Radio Ambulante' as Case Study.” CIBER Business Languages Conference. Bloomington, IN.
- "Social Entrepreneurship." Entrepreneurship Forum. Panelist. UIUC.
- “Transcultural Competence in Professional Contexts.” Guest lecture, SPAN 254 "Introduction to Cultural Analysis, UIUC.
- "Marketing Your PhD in Literature and Languages: Languages for Special Purposes." MLA, Boston. Panelist.
- “Social Media Marketing for Social Enterprises.” Guest lecture in on-line course "Social Media and Global Change," UIUC.
- “Preparing Language Students to Meet Employer Needs.” ACTFL, Philadelphia.
- “Community Service Learning and Civic Engagement: The Need for Explicit Connections.” Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Invited Speaker.
- “The Ethics of Engagement and Business Languages.” CIBER Business Languages Conference. Chapel-Hill, NC.
- “Building Community in the Classroom with Social Media.” 2012 Latin American Teachers Workshop. CLACS, UIUC.
- “How to Prepare Service-Learning Lesson Plans: Synthesizing Best Practices.” ACTFL, Boston.
- “Transcultural Competence in Spanish Community Service Learning.” Bryant College. Providence, RI. Invited Speaker.
- “Partnering with the Community via Service Learning.” Responding to Immigrants: Bridging Research and Practice to Meet the Needs of Immigrants in New Growth Communities. UIUC. Invited workshop.
- “Entrepreneurship Education and Social Media Marketing.” Entrepreneurship Education Retreat. University of Illinois-Chicago.
- “Assessing Community Service Learning.” San Diego Mesa Language Conference, San Diego. Invited Speaker.
- “Social Media and Professional Development.” CITES Brownbag, UIUC.
- “Social Media for Business: Online Lessons for Analysis and Action.” CIBER Business Languages Conference, University of Pennsylvania.
- “Assessing Community Service Learning: A Practical Approach.” Co-presenter, Darcy Lear (UNC). ACTFL, San Diego.
- “A New Model for Spanish Service Learning.” Community Informatics Initiative Research Series. UIUC
- “Foreign Language Community Service Learning: Aligning Research and Practice.” Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference.
- “Site Visits, Standards & Scaffolding: Creating and Teaching Cases for Business Language Learners of All Levels.” Co-presenter, Maida Watson (Florida International University).CIBER Conference on Language and International Business, Florida State University.
- “Undergraduate Research in Business Languages: Strategic Plans for Campus and Student Success.” CIBER Conference on Language and International Business, Florida State University.
- “Managing Your Organization through Mission.” Keynote Speaker, Student Service and Leadership Conference, UIUC.
- “Entrepreneurial Education and Faculty: Enchancing Student Engagement in Any Discipline.” 2008 Annual Faculty Retreat, UIUC.
- “Cross-Campus Entrepreneurship: Two Kauffman Campus Case Studies.” Panelist.Entrepreneurship and Global Impact Conference (Worldwide Universities Network).October 2007. Chicago.
- “Undergraduates Engaged in Inquiry in an International Setting.” Copresenter. Faculty Learning Community sponsored by CTE. October 2007. UIUC.
- “Cross-Cultural Social Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Classroom and Community.”Sino-American Seminar on Contemporary China and Social Entrepreneurship. May 30, 2007. Nanjing, China.
- “Developing Business Spanish Courses for Heritage Speakers: Materials & Internships.” Copresenter, Maida Watson (FIU). CIBER Conference on Language and International Business, OSU.
- “Connections, the Decisive “C” in a Spanish and Entrepreneurship Course.” Copresenter, Darcy Lear (UNC). CIBER Conference on Language and International Business, OSU.
- “Learning Abroad and Global Awareness Programs: Putting the Pieces Together.”Annual Faculty Retreat on Active Learning UIUC.
- “Social Entrepreneurship 101.” Keynote Speaker, Student Service and Leadership Conference.UIUC.
- Invited workshop leader. “Service Learning: What It Means in the Academic Community.” Thomson Arts & Sciences National Workshop.
- “Community-based learning in Champaign-Urbana Spanish-speaking communities: A look from both sides.” Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studes UIUC.
- “Experiential Learning and Business Spanish: From Theory to Practice.”
- CIBER Conference on Language and International Business, Georgia Tech. Co-presented with Prof. Maida Watson.
- "What does entrepreneurship have to do with foreign languages?: How we answered that question." Lunchbox Lecture Series. Sponsored by the Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Co-presented with Prof. Darcy Lear.
- “Can we have class outside? Making Learning Relevant Outside the Classroom Context.”UIUC Annual Faculty Retreat on Active Learning.
- “Entrepreneurship: Merging community-based learning and Spanish in the professions.”ACTFL 2005, Baltimore. Co-presented with Prof. Darcy Lear.
- “Beyond Oral Presentations: Using Digital Diaries to Bridge Community and Classroom Experiences”. Language Symposium 2005—University of Chicago and Northwestern University. (University of Chicago)
- Professional Development Workshop Series (SIP), Co-Creator.
- Cognitive Research and Lesson Planning.
- Academic Portfolios (I & II)
- Using the Case Method in the Humanities
- “Transitional Discourses: the Psychosomatic Fictions of Juan José Millás.” Modern Languages Association. (Chicago, Illinois)
- “Representaciones de la sinrazón: el teatro vanguardista de Enrique Jardiel Poncela.” The Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Films. (West Lafayette, Indiana).
- “The Carnivalesque in Camilo José Cela’s La colmena: The Tragic, the Ludic and the Grotesque.” Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. (Cincinnati, Ohio).
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